Monday, February 27, 2006

6 lbs. and ready to go home... again!

Ansel hit six pounds last night! He will return home sometime this afternoon. Despite the setback, he will still come home a few days before his due date, which was March 3rd. He got his last dose of steroids this morning and will come home with oxygen and breathing treatments. He's very happy about being able to eat as much as he wants (around 3 ounces), and is no longer shy about letting the nurses... or anyone within hearing range...know when he is ready to eat again!
As for me, my incision is nearly healed. I expect it to finish closing within the next week or two. Since my kidneys are back to normal, I was able to have an IV contrast catscan this morning to get a better picture of my liver "abnormalities". They suspect it's merely blood clots which should disappear with time. Hopefully the catscan will confirm that so we can put an end to that issue!

I want my bottle NOW!!

Ansel takes a break after successfully teaching daddy the importance of using a burp rag while wearing a white dress shirt.

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