Monday, August 11, 2008

Our first family pet

Well, it was kind of random (we weren't out looking around or even thinking about getting any dogs), but I came across this one through a good friend. We named her Lexi, and she's half Boston Terrier half Pug (the mix is known as bugg dogs! Kind of funny..) She's about 9 weeks old. Ansel's pretty excited about her.. although they both get a little too excited sometimes and clash a little. I think it'll be good for him once they adjust to each other a little better!


Billy and Amanda Cole said...

I love these pictures, especially Ansel holding her. I'm glad she is working out for you.

Steph said...

Is this the sister of Amanda and Billy's dog? They look just alike. They are so cute. I think it will be great for Ansel to have a dog, of course just like Amanda, I'm a sucker for dogs, especially puppies.

Kerri and Cody said...

Yep.. she is the sister. She was actually the runt even, but you can't tell it anymore! They were about the same size when I saw them together!

djwillden said...

Thanks for your comment. Your puppy is adorable. emmy is a pug, she's so adorable. What kind of dog do you have? We are wanting to get a second dog. I'm so excited to read your blog

Michelle C said...

Oh my goodness, he is the sweetest little thing ever!! I just love puppies.