Saturday, December 17, 2005

Saturday Evening Update

Kerri and Ansel continue to make progress. Thanks for the notes of encouragement from everyone. We will read them to Kerri. She loves them!

Kerri continues in the ICU regaining her strength. The white blood count is up somewhat, so there may be a slight infection. Doctors are trying to stabilize other blood numbers which will have to be fixed before going to a private room. Still bleeding some, she received two more blood units. Kidneys are passing a little fluid today, so that is promising. Kerri’s parents, Bill and Joyce Miller, and her sisters are visiting from Springfield.

Doctors discovered a heart murmur in Ansel today, which they say is not uncommon in premature babies. The Indomethacin medication is continuing for the Patent Ductus Arteriosis.

Top Knot, where Cody works part time, let Cody know they will pay him for last week! Cody has spent all his hours at the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cody, Kerri, and Ansel, know that here in Oklahoma you have all been in our constant thoughts and prayers. We have been attached to this website checking for updates. (Jason checks it before he even checks his email.)

I usually get a large lump in my throat when I read the news and see the pictures. I love you all so much and wish Kerri and Ansel the very best, as well as Cody. The NICU is certainly a special place as Jason and I know to a certain extent. As you may remember, Kelsey had PDA (and ASD) so we are very familiar with that term.

The more I hear, the more miraculous everything seems. I am glad Kerri and Ansel are being watched over. We will continue our prayers.

We love you.